4th Grade Students
Vision and Mission of FCA:
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of heart at a time. Since 1954, the FCA has been challenging all of our youth to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.
Jr. Beta Club Mission
The mission statement of the Jr. Beta Club is to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service, and leadership among elementary and secondary school students. NLOE's students are invited to join the Beta Club at the beginning of their 4th grade year if they meet certain academic criteria.
North Live Oak's STEM Club strives to encourage members to be problem solvers and innovative thinkers by engaging in STEM project-based learning. Third and fourth grade students are recommended by their homeroom teachers in August. The STEM Club encourages students' interest in STEM in a supportive and nurturing environment. Club members meet once monthly, beginning in September, and engage in various STEM projects emphasizing literacy. Mrs. Walock, our school librarian, assists Mrs. Parrino and shares texts connected to the project that month. Members engage in a STEM-based field trip in the spring.
Litter Pickers
The idea of the Litter Pickers came from a trip Ms. Gann took to Ireland in the summer of 2023. She visited a school in Dublin with a group of teachers from all around the U.S. At the school, they had a student who was obsessed with being in the Litter Pickers Club. The student was shy and kept to himself until he joined the club. After joining, he came out of his shell and made more friends. He had found something that made him feel special and included. Once returning to the U.S., Ms. Gann thought this club would be perfect to implement with first grade. The Litter Pickers are meant to not only teach how to be responsible and to keep our community/playground clean, but the club also builds relationships between students while they work together.