Physical Education plays a crucial rule in shaping the development of children. Students who participate in regular physical activity tend to have improved concentration, better memory retention, and enhanced problem-solving skills. 

Here are some ideas to keep your children moving!

No equipment? No problem. These gym games for elementary students are designed with simplicity in mind. These games can be played anytime, anywhere!

1) Tag

A classic for a reason! One or more students begin as the designated taggers, and they must “tag” their classmates. Once a student is tagged, they become the next designated tagger and so on. Be sure to demonstrate how to appropriately tag another student, demonstrating soft contact.

2) Blob Tag

A variation on the classic, Blob Tag emphasizes collaborative play. Two students start “the Blob” by linking elbows. As they tag their classmates, those students become part of the blob! However, to keep play safe, new Blobs are created after the fourth tag—keeping groups at three students or less.

3) Shadow Tag

If you’re looking for a game of tag with no physical contact, then shadow tag could be a good option. In this variation, students tag their classmate’s shadow, calling out “Shadow!” once they’ve done so. This version is particularly good for younger students who may not be able to run as quickly.

4) Backwards Tag

Just like a regular game of tag, expect students must walk or run backwards! 

5) Bridge Tag

Every time a student is tagged, they must bend over into a bridge. Students must stay in a bridge until another player crawls under them, which frees them to keep playing.

6) Sharks and Minnows

Another fun twist on tag, Sharks and Minnows is a themed version of the game. The tagger is the “shark” and must tag the other players, the “minnows.” However, once a minnow is tagged, they can become “seaweed” to stay in the game. Players who are seaweed sit on the floor where they have been tagged. They stick out their arms out and rotate in a twisting motion. If a seaweed player tags a minnow, then that player also becomes seaweed!

7) Wheelbarrow Race

A fun game to play with upper elementary students, wheelbarrow races are another fun classic. Students race in groups of two. One student races with their hands on the ground and legs held up in a “wheelbarrow” pose by the second student. To make the race more challenging, have students designate a turnaround point, where they must navigate around an obstacle and return to the starting line.

8) Movement Dice

This game is perfect for a warmup and requires only a die to play! Have students roll the die to choose their number. Then, students reference a sheet with corresponding exercises to see how they warm up for the day. For example, if they roll a 3, then they must run in place for 20 seconds.

9) Four Corners

A fun game of chance, Four Corners begins by designating one student to be the counter. They stand in the middle of the gym and count from 10 to 0 with their eyes closed. The other students must quickly run to one of four designated corners. Once the counter reaches 0, they turn and point to one of the corners with their eyes still closed. Anyone standing in that corner must sit. Then, the game begins again.

If no one is standing at the chosen corner, all players who are currently sitting may get back into the game. The game ends when only one player is left standing; then, they become the new counter.

10) Rock, Paper, Scissors, Beanbag

This game requires minimal equipment, but mostly relies on the student’s participation. Students will develop their coordination and balance in this fun game. Students walk around the gym until they find an opponent to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with. The winner of the RPS game “wins” a beanbag, and the student must balance the beanbag on their head while walking to find a new opponent. The more they win, the more beanbags they must balance!

For the full list, visit collegetransitions.com

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